How to create a new online Description of Assignment

Author: Kevin Schmidt

Updated: 3 years ago

How to create a new online description of assignment (DoA)

This is a step-by-step guide to create a new online DoA, entering necessary information and submitting it for review and approval by UNV for the engagement of Online Volunteers.

First, log in

Click the 'DoAs' tab

List of all active DoAs

Here, you can see all the DoAs belonging to your Host Entity, and that are currently active.

Active in this case means either being created, reviewed, actively selecting or even serving.

It is currently empty, as we have not created any yet.

Click 'New Description of Assignment'

This will start the process for creating an online Description of Assignment (DoA).

Description of Assignment creation form

Here you see the online DoA form. You will need to fill out the details of assignment/s for the Online Volunteer engagement.

Online Volunteer assignment criteria

Before we start, please note that you cannot ask Online Volunteers to support you on-site and in full-, part-time or ad-hoc like arrangements.

Furthermore, Online Volunteers must never be requested to make donations in-kind or financial contributions or to solicit donations from third parties or be asked to supervise/manage anyone.

For more information, please see our Online Volunteer criteria before you start creating the online DoA.

Choose type of DoA

For the engagement of Online Volunteers, choose 'Online'.

This step only applies to UN Host Entity accounts, for all other organizations 'Online' is automatically selected.

Choose the form type

Here you can choose between an empty DoA form or a pre-populated template.

Type DoA title

The DoA title should be a summary of the task and must not contain any reference to a job or position title. Ideally it starts with the verb of the task requested.

Please note that the title will later be shown on issued certificates.

Mission and objectives

This field is automatically filled with the information you provided during the Host Entity account creation. This will provide candidates with background information on your Host Entity.

Type task description

In this field please provide a clear description of the task and a pre-defined and measurable deliverable. If you request multiple Online Volunteers, it must be explained how the task will be distributed among the Online Volunteers.

Select assignment duration

Here you choose how long you ask the Online Volunteer/s to support you. Please note that you can only ask for support for up to 12 weeks.

Choose weekly engagement

Here you choose the hours per week you ask Online Volunteers to support you. Please note that they can only support you for up to 20 hours per week.

Type assignment context

Please provide more information on the background of this assignment, for instance, why do you request support. It must also contain information on how this task will support you and your organization in contributing to sustainable human development.

Add number of assignments

Please indicate the number of assignments you request through this DoA. One assignment represents one task with one deliverable performed by one Online Volunteer. You can ask for up to 25 assignments (Online Volunteers) per DoA.

Choose assignment country/territory

This refers to the country or region that benefits from the Online Volunteers' contributions. Choose the country your organization is located at if you cannot find a suitable option.

Type required skills and experience

In this field you can add the skills and experience you ask candidates to have, for instance, a specific degree or work experience in a specific field or topic.

Add languages

Here you can add languages you ask or require candidates to have.

Add language

Here you choose the language from the list.

Choose language proficiency

Here you can add the level of proficiency.

Mandatory or desired

By enabling this option you indicate that the selected language and level of proficiency are mandatory to apply for this assignment. Otherwise the language will be shown as 'desired'.

Click 'Add language'

Finalize this step by clicking 'Add language' which will add it to the DoA.

Choose Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

Please choose the corresponding SDG that this assignment contributes to.

Add assignment/s

This final step creates the assignments belonging to the Description of Assignment based on the number you reqeusted above.

Add area of expertise

To add an assignment to the DoA, choose the corresponding area of expertise for this task.

Additional area of expertise

You can add one more area of expertise to the assignment, if required.

Click 'Continute'

To finalize this step, click 'Continue' and this assignemnt will be added to the DoA. Please note that you need to repeat this task for each assignment you requested.

Click 'Save as draft'

This will save the form with the content you have filled out so far as draft which you can continue to work on at a later time. The draft can be accessed as task in your dashboard.

Click 'Submit to UNV'

When you provided all necessary information and completed the form, you can submit it to UNV for review.

Click 'Complete'

To complete your submission, click here.

Wait for approval

Once completed, you can find your submitted online DoA in the 'DoAs' tab.

If changes are necessary, UVP will inform you via a task on the dashboard.

Your next step, if everything is in order, is to review candidates that have applied to your online DoA.