HE Review submitted candidate and record assessment

Author: Manfred Klee

Updated: 3 years ago

Welcome to the Review submitted candidate and record assessment guide for Host Entities

We'll take you through the steps to view a submitted candidate's profile, application and then record the results of their assessment.

This task will appear for each candidate submitted to your Host Entity for review

Click on the task name to continue.

Use the filters to narrow down your search!

Now click on the task you wish to complete

Click on Complete to go to the Assignment and continue the process

You are now in the Description of Assignment page

From here, you can look at the DoA itself by clicking on the Description tab, or look at the submitted candidates by clicking on the Candidates tab.

the Description tab will take you to the DoA created by your host entity

The Candidates tab will show the candidates submitted to you for review, by UNV

This menu allows you to perform different actions

Cancel entire DoA will cancel the assignment completely, stopping all recruitment processes. This cannot be undone!

Duplicate description of assignment will copy the basic information of the DoA you are currently viewing and create a new DoA based on that. You can make any changes needed on the new DoA that are necessary.

And View recruitment clearances shows you which clearances were set as requirements for the selection of a candidate for this specific assignment.

Even though this says you have no pending tasks, you still need to review your candidate!

Click here to open the menu from which you can look at the candidates application, their profile. 

View application shows the candidates motivation statement, when they are available for the assigment and other information.

View candidate will take you to the candidate's profile, where you can see their academic qualification, professional experience and other information.

Record assessment outcome takes you to the form where you can record the results of the assessment, after this has taken place.

Decline without assessment rejects the candidate's application without an assessment taking place.

Now let's go to the Record assessment step!

By clicking on Record assessment outcome in the previous step, you will then be taken to this form. 

Here you can record the results of the assessment after it has taken place and also mark a candidate as Not successful, Add them to the waitlist, or choose as the preferred person for the assignment.

Fill out all the mandatory information and results from the assessment

Under type of assessment you can also indicate if it was an interview, a desk review, any other type, or a combination of these.

The left panel will show you the information of the assessed candidate

Finally mark the candidate as Not successful, add them to the waitlist, or choose as preferred!

Those marked as not successful wwill be notified and removed from the process.

Those added to the waitlist can still be rejected or selected at a later point.

Those marked as preferred will receive further tasks and steps needed for the selection process.

The cancel button takes you back to the DoA and cancels the recording of the results of the assessment

The draft button allows you to save the information of the assessment, without completing it. This means you can come back later and make changes before finalizing the process

When choosing as preferred, the form asks you to select the duty station for which the candidate is being selected. 

Follow the steps and click on complete!

And you're done! The candidate and UNV staff receive further tasks to proceed with the selection process for this candidate