host entity EOA confirmation mobi user

Author: Trainer L

Updated: 2 years ago

Completing a host entity end of assignment confirmation

This guide is for mobilization users who are completing an end of assignment confirmation on behalf of the host entity.

Let's get started!

Click on the dashboard task

If you're on the dashboard, click the 'host entity end of assignment confirmation' to begin.

Information panel

The information panel show you everything about the task and provides links to the candidate profile, assignment, DOA and host entity.

Click complete

This takes you to the assignment details page to complete the task.

The UN Volunteer checklist

Here on the assignment details page you can view the checklist completed by the UN Volunteer in the previous step.

Let's do that before we go to the new task.

First, scroll down the page until you see the checklist

Volunteer's checklist

Click this text to view the checklist and host entity checkout document

Volunteer checklist

Here you can see all the answers the UN Volunteer gave on their checklist and the date they completed the task.

Host entity checkout form

Here you can download and view the document uploaded by the UN Volunteer as evidence and clearance by the host entity.

You need to be satisfied that the UN Volunteer has met the requirements of the host entity before completing the next step.

Click close

To go back to the assignment details page.

What if you're not satisfied with the host entity checkout document?

You can request the UN Volunteer to re-upload the document via a task in UVP.

Let's do that now.

Click this to start the request


Tell the UN Volunteer why you're asking them to complete the checklist and upload the host entity document again.

Optional remarks

Type anything else you want to say to the UN Volunteer about the checklist or document uploaded.

Click next to continue

Click next again

Click complete 

This will add a task to the UN Volunteer's dashboard to complete the checklist task again.

It will also send them an email with the reason and free-text you entered in the previous step.

Update requested!

The UN Volunteer now needs to complete their task. You will receive the same tasks again once this is complete.

The task is back

This means the UN Volunteer has completed their checklist again.

Let's check the document.

They've re-uploaded

The document is saved as version two and the original is still there so you can compare.

Download it and take a look.

Click close

Now complete the host entity confirmation

You're now satisfied with the information the UN Volunteer provided.

Let's complete the task on behalf of the host entity.

Click complete to begin

Task information

This explains what the task is for and where it fits in the process.

Assignment information

Here's the key information about the assignment.

Checklist and documents

You can also view the UN Volunteer's checklist and document here.

Optional upload

If you want to upload further proof from the host entity such as an email from their hiring manager that they are cleared or that they have something outstanding you can do this here.

This will back up the answer you give to the next two questions.

Check the box

If you have evidence that this is true.

Click this radio button if...

You have evidence that the volunteer has not outstanding financial obligations.

Click this radio button....

If you have evidence that the UN Volunteer has outstanding financial obligations.

You will need to complete the mandatory fields below to add more detail.

Choose the type of cost

Enter the amount owed

Choose the currency of the amount owed

Enter remarks 

This further explains the reason for the financial obligation. Provide as much information as needed.

When all is complete

Click 'Next'

When you're ready, click 'Complete'

Task complete

The host entity confirmation task is complete.

You can view the content of the task in the checklist section on the assignment details page.

Review the confirmation

You can see what you've entered and uploaded here.

Guide complete

Thanks for completing this guide!