How to update bank details while serving

Author: Trainer L

Updated: 3 years ago

How to update your bank information

This guide is for serving onsite UN Volunteers who need to update their bank details while on assignment.

Follow the steps of the guide to let UNV know your new bank details.

Log in to UVP

First you need to be logged in to the Unified Volunteering Platform (UVP).

In this example, you can see the 'Explore' tab but you can access the banking from any tab in UVP.

Click your profile icon

This opens your profile menu.

Select 'My Banking'

Banking information screen

If you added your bank details to UVP before you started your assignment, the information will show here.

If this is the first time you are entering your details, the information will be blank.

Either way, the instructions are the same.

Click the pencil icon

Click the pencil icon

This opens the editing pop-up screen.

Add or edit your bank details

Add all of your bank information. Make sure that everything is complete and correct.

Incorrect or incomplete information will result in delays processing your details.

Click 'add bank account'

Even if you are only updating the information, the button still says 'add'.

Add a second account

If you would like your payroll paid into two accounts, you can add it here.

Make sure the percentage paid into the two accounts equals 100%.

Click submit when ready

Click 'complete'

This sends a request to UNV's colleagues in the UNDP Global Shared Services Unit to review the bank details and enter it into UNV's payroll system.

In progress

Your bank details update is now with GSSU. You cannot edit or resubmit while the information is in the 'in progress' state.

You will be able to edit again if GSSU requires further information from you or they confirm the update was successful.

What happens next?

If GSSU needs you to change anything, you will receive an email with instructions and the status will change to 'pending'.

If you do not respond to GSSU or update your details within 3 days, your update request will be cancelled and the status will return to 'complete'. You will receive an email saying that the update was not completed.

If everything is clear and GSSU completes the update, the status will change to 'complete' and you will receive a confirmation email.