Volunteer checklist

Author: Trainer L

Updated: 2 years ago

Completing an end of assignment checklist

This guide takes you through the steps to complete your end of assignment checklist. The checklist is your personal, legal statement of your status and intentions as you approach the end of your UN Volunteer assignment.

Let's see how it's done.

First, click the task

If you're on your UVP dashboard, click the 'Complete final checklist' task to begin.

This opens the info panel

Here you can see the information about the task and links to relevant information.

Click 'Complete'

This takes you to your assignment detail page where you can complete the task.

Click complete

Now that you're on the assignment details page, you can click this green, 'Complete' button to open the checklist.


This box explains the purpose of the checklist and its place in the overall process.

Your assignment details

This shows the details about your current UN Volunteer assignment. This information is not editable.

Host entity checkbox

Tick this box to confirm you have nothing outstanding with your host entity.

Upload host entity checkout document

Most host entities have a standard process to complete for checkout and an accompanying form.

When you've completed yours, upload it here so UNV and your host entity have record of it in UVP.

If your host entity doesn't have a form you can use UNV's standard template (available at explore.unv.org/resources) or you can upload an official email or document from your organisation as evidence that you have nothing outstanding.

Your host entity will confirm this in the next step in the process in UVP.

Confirm your accommodation status

This confirms you take responsibility for all debts relating to accommodation or utilities at your duty station.

Confirm your bank status

You take responsibility for closing bank accounts or for any debts or payments that arise from keeping accounts open.

Confirm no other obligations

You confirm that you have no other financial or other obligations in your assignment location or that you will stay in your location and take responsibility for all liabilities.

Click next when you're done

Click submit

If you're sure everything you've entered is correct, click 'Submit'. Otherwise, you can go back with the 'Previous' button.

And that's it!

The popup says you've completed the task and it will no longer appear on your dashboard or assignment detail page.

Next steps

Your host entity, or UNV on behalf of the host entity, will review your checklist, including the document you uploaded.

Keep an eye on your dashboard and email in case they ask for any adjustments.


Thanks for following this guide.